The Obama Cult Song


The following video clip is based on the actual Obama-cult song recorded by (non-aborted) children who were manipulated into supporting a presidential candidate…and, of course, a clip from the famous movie “Cabaret.”

This might be a more accurate representation than the letter sent to the Americans United for Life office in Chicago this week. From the Party of Death.

Eyeblast at the jump.


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3 Responses

  1. Tim says:

    I’m sorry. I hate those Hitler comparisons but my very first thought was Hitler jugend. Yuck.

  2. Jack Yoest says:

    Tim, The children’s choir does sound as talented as any Sunday school performance — and I’ve sat thru a few.


    Children singing to their leader/Fuhrer about how He will lead us completes the Obama Messiah complex.

    Conservatives sing to Jesus.

    Liberals sing to Obama.

    Eisenhower said that everyone should have a religion and he didn’t care what it was.

    I’m not sure that this is what he meant.

    Thank you for commenting,


  3. Jack Yoest says:

    Tim, The children’s choir does sound as talented as any Sunday school performance — and I’ve sat thru a few.


    Children singing to their leader/Fuhrer about how He will lead us completes the Obama Messiah complex.

    Conservatives sing to Jesus.

    Liberals sing to Obama.

    Eisenhower said that everyone should have a religion and he didn’t care what it was.

    I’m not sure that this is what he meant.

    Thank you for commenting,
