Author: Charmaine Yoest

Christopher Hitchens on Thomas Jefferson

Met Christopher Hitchens today. . . very interesting. More later. Here’s a quick hit: my favorite quote of the day. Talking about Jefferson and the Declaration, Hitchens said “life” and “liberty” were obvious, but...

Life is Short

My mother-in-law in front of her parents’ grave, the day before Uncle Joe’s funeral. . . But a Short Time to Live Our little hour,-how swift it flies When poppies flare and lilies smile;...

Colbert King and the Caring Constitution

Quick question: Who wanted Judge Janice Rogers Brown on the Supreme Court? And who was it who blocked her? Let’s refresh our memory. Supporters of this highly qualified woman-who-happens-to-be-black were conservatives. Opponents were liberal...

In Memoriam: Joseph Carr

We heard yesterday that my husband’s uncle, Joe Carr, had died. He was 88 and had recently been hospitalized for heart problems, so it was not unexpected. And he died in his sleep at...

All About Alito

Samuel Alito Looking for Alito’s opinion on, well, just about anything? It’s all right here. And I do mean “all.” The University of Michigan has been compiling Alito’s opinions and it’s a full page...