Category: Branding

The Year’s Best Product Endorsement

Merry Christmas from The White HouseThis year’s Christmas controversy continues with the Presidential Holiday Card omitting Merry Christmas. Instead the First Family included a verse from Psalms. From the Bible. No, no, the endorsement...

The Year's Best Product Endorsement

Merry Christmas from The White HouseThis year’s Christmas controversy continues with the Presidential Holiday Card omitting Merry Christmas. Instead the First Family included a verse from Psalms. From the Bible. No, no, the endorsement...

Toyota Ad Campaign Parody

Ipso Facto ### Was this helpful? Do comment. Consider a free eMail subscription for this site. Thank you (foot)notes: Blog roll or bookmark Ipso Facto.

Cartoon Cause For Congratulations

Your audience can laugh with you. Or at you. Today’s case study has the blog Reasoned Audacity as the subject of both. First, the gentle, genteel example: Mike Wallster at Ipso Facto uses the...

The Carnival of Marketing Is Up

PC4MediaPete is hosting this week. Visit him and check out the best marketing ideas for the week. ### Was this helpful? Do comment. Consider a free eMail subscription for this site. Thank you (foot)notes:...

Weblog Awards Coming Soon

Coming December 1st Your Vote Counts ### Was this helpful? Do comment. Consider a bookmark for this site. Thank you (foot)notes: See the Weblog Awards site. Good reads.

Purple Cow and Parody

Seth Godin’s Purple Cow In his bestseller, Purple Cow, Seth Godin says that your marketing campaign must stand out from the herd of common “brown cows” to be noticed. A “Purple Cow” would be...